Toronto Police Pensioners Association
Serving those who served others

The Toronto Police Pensioners Association represents over 4,000 retired uniform and civilian members of the Toronto Police Service. Our members include frontline police officers, criminal investigators, community response officers, parking enforcement officers, communications operators, court officers, civilian specialists and support staff.
The Toronto Police Pensioners Association evolved from the creation of the Toronto Police Force. First established in 1835 - and slow, to say the least in granting any form of recognition to the men it employed - it took a long time before the powers-that-be in the world of politics came to their senses in the treatment of those they employed to enforce their laws.
While salaries and working conditions started to improve, pensions continued to take a back seat in any negotiations. As recently as 1946, anyone resigning from the Toronto Force - for any reason, regardless of age or years of service - did not receive their contributions back. It was not until 1987 and 1990, when several remaining officers who were still alive came forward to the Association for help, that their contributions with interest were finally refunded.
Pension at retirement was always an unknown factor, calculated on a base year and dependent on how far back the base year was when a member retired. A cost of living increase to members’ pensions was unheard of and was the cause of a civil action against the Police Association, the Board of Commissioners of Police and the Trustees of the Benefit Fund. The court action was instituted by two pensioners, Joe Thurston and Aubrey Potter, on behalf of all pensioners because 10% and 12% inflation every year had reduced their pensions to a mere pittance. The action was withdrawn in 1981 after the fund produced a surplus from stock market gains and high interest rates. From that point on, until 2004, pensioners in the five pre-OMERS pension plans received regular cost of living pension increases.
The Association has been serving the needs of retired members since 1933 when the active members of the former Toronto Police Pension Plan realized that need, and had the foresight to put in place a vehicle to look after the interests of pensioners on retirement. Since then, the Pensioners Association has played many active roles - not only looking after the interests of pensioners after retirement but also looking after the interests of active members prior to retirement.
After the sale of 180 Yorkland Boulevard, the TPA, TPPA, Widows and Orphans, all moved to leased premises on the 2nd floor of 2075 Kennedy Road in June 2014.
In January 2014, our membership voted to accept changes to the Constitution. These changes included the design of a new logo and name Toronto Police Pensioners Association (TPPA). Another significant event in 2014 was the incorporation of the TPPA as a non for profit organization in June.
Your current TPPA Board of Directors has built on the foundations established by previous Boards and we believe the changes noted above represent significant advances for our organization going forward. We are committed to ensuring the TPPA is a relevant vital organization of which all our members – and our predecessors - can be proud.
Member benefits
Membership in the Toronto Police Pensioners Association (TPPA), is open to all retired uniform and civilian members of the (Metropolitan) Toronto Police Service, regardless of their rank or position, and regardless of where they currently reside.
Benefits of being a paid-up member of the TPPA include, but are not limited to:
24/7 cell phone response to TPPA members, from one of the TPPA Executive Board members, for all emergency assistance requests
Assistance provided when difficulties arise between a TPPA member and Green Shield when processing a medical claim
Assistance is provided to TPPA members, including their spouses, with legal and other administrative matters resulting from the death of a family members
Financial assistance is provided to TPPA members for the preparation of a Will
Assistance provided to our members with computer issues. (e-mails and other minor concerns)
TV or Phone or WIFI rental costs incurred by TPPA members, while in hospital. Up to $250.00 Per calendar year, will be reimbursed
Provide Scholarships for children and grandchildren of our Active Members
Access is provided to all TPPA members to our member data base, enabling them to locate and connect with fellow TPPA members
Provide TPPA members reasonable use of our website for personal use, such as promoting functions, seeking support for a worthy cause, advertising items for sale, listing rental properties, etc.
on behalf of all TPPA members, we:
Maintain and constantly update a website to provide a constant stream of information and assistance to TPPA members worldwide
Provide regular email updates informing TPPA members
Whenever and as often as possible, visit TPPA members who are hospitalized or living in a nursing home environment
Whenever possible, attend the funeral of a deceased TPPA member
Liaise with the Police Service Board, on behalf of TPPA members, in relation to the Group Medical Health plans - including negotiating improvements wherever possible
Promote and subsidize various social functions throughout the year
Attend OMERS meetings and make representations on behalf of TPPA members
Provide personal support to the Police Pensioner Association of Ontario for the purpose of lobbying the Ontario Government for pension improvements and other issues affecting senior citizens
Assist the Toronto Police Association at various functions throughout the year
Constantly explore suggestions and opportunities to update, enhance and increase benefits for TPPA members
executive team
President - Dennis Ewaniuk
1st Vice President - Keith Bland
2nd Vice President Noel camilleri
Secretary - Roger Dodson
Contact us
2075 Kennedy Road, Unit 200
Toronto, Ontario M1T 3V3
Mail to:
Toronto Police Pensioners Association
2075 Kennedy Road, P.O. Box 50
Toronto, Ontario M1T 3V3
Telephone: (416) 495-7091
Toll-free: (888) 462-8808
Our Executive Team are also retired, our office and online chat is open
Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 12:00 noon
Use our Online Chat Feature (bottom right corner) and a Executive Team member will respond shortly.